

Escape from everyday life, see a few cool acts, party with friends until late at night and then splash around in the river Traisen during the day. This is what the FM4 Frequency Festival stands for. What it does not stand for, however, is the environmental pollution that the beautiful festival site is exposed to every year. It’s time to do something about it!

Generations before us failed to attach more importance to sustainable production, energy-saving measures, recycling and the reduction of plastic consumption. That is why we are now challenged to show the “old people” that we are no good-for-nothing bums who sit in front of our cell phones all day long, stoned. We are committed young people who care about the environment. We are in control and we will show what we are capable of. Not only in our normal school, university and professional life, but also at a music festival like FM4 Frequency. Let’s all help together to keep the camping area clean and to take our tent home with us after the festival in the (admittedly mostly much too small) bag.

The camping area is not a rubbish bin or tent cemetery, the Traisen is not a bathtub and the core area is not an oversized ashtray. Since we as the organizer want to set a good example, there will be a few new ideas in addition to the tried and tested environmentally friendly campaigns from past years. More info will be available  a few weeks prior to the festival.

Registration for Green Camping and the Green Team is expected to start in spring 2022!